Ordinance Review Information Page

Any ordinances found on this website are to be considered “draft” only. In order to obtain adopted zoning ordinances, contact Codington County Planning and Zoning Office at codington.county@sdstate.edu. 

In April of 2017, the Codington County Planning Commission started the review and update of its zoning ordinance. After numerous invitations being sent, publication of special public notice in the newspaper, notifications on the County’s website, describing the upcoming meeting on the County Commission’s meeting webcasts, and calling into local radio stations, on April 17, 2017 the Planning Commission held its first meeting to gather information. Since that time, the Planning Commission has created a plan to gather information from the public and experts in areas that questions have been posed if deemed necessary. Please continue to reference this page for current information and public meeting dates.

Next Meeting

There are no meetings planned at this time to discuss ordinance amendments. 

Thank you for your interest in Codington County’s zoning ordinance.

Past Meetings

April 19, 2022, 6:30 pm A joint public meeting of the Codington County Planning Commission and Board of County Commission was held to discuss Ordinance numbers 78, 79, 80, and 81. 

  • Ordinance #78 Establishment of and rezoning certain properties to “TD-R” Rauville Town District 
  • Ordinance #79 Amending Uses in the Aquifer Protection Districts 
  • Ordinance #80 Amendment to standards and permitting process of Extended Home Occupations 
  • Ordinance #81 Amendment to Administrative section of the ordinance 

August 23, 2021, 7:30 pm – The Codington County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this date and time regarding Ordinance #75, Permitted Uses, regarding the issuance of local cannabis establishment permits and/or licenses.

Ordinance #75, Permitted Uses (Cannibas) 

August 19, 2021, 4:15 pm – The Joint City of Watertown/Codington County Board of Adjustment held a public hearing on this date and time regarding Ordinance #76, Definitions and Ordinance #21-35, both pertaining to cannabis regulations and uses within the Joint Jurisdiction Area.

Ordinance #76, Definitions (Cannabis) 

June 10, 2021, 4:15 pm – The Codington County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this date and time regarding Ordinance #73.

Ordinance #73 – A Temporary Ordinance regarding the Issuance of Local Medical Cannabis Establishment Permits And/Or Licenses 

June 10, 2021, 4:15 pm – The Codington County Planning Commission and the City of Watertown Planning Commission held a joint public hearing regarding Ordinance #74 and Ordinance 21-24 (both titled). 

Ordinance #74 A Temporary Ordinance Regarding the Issuance of Local Medical Cannabis Establishment Permits And/Or Licenses in the Joint Jurisdiction Area 

March 15, 2021: Ordinance #72, Shop-Style Homes and Existing Farmsteads 

Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to Ordinance #72 

April 28, 2020: Ordinance #70

Monday, April 15, 2019: The Codington County Planning Commission and Codington County Board of Commissioners held a joint public hearing at its meeting on Monday, April 15, 2019 at 6:30 pm at the Codington County Extension Complex regarding proposed Ordinance #69, An ordinance amending Chapter 3.04 Agricultural District of Article III District Regulations and Chapter 5.21 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) of Article V General Provisions, of Ordinance 65. 

Proposed Ordinance Amendment: Ordinance 69 Section5_21 CAFO

Public Comments Received: John West letter

Minutes: April 15, 2019 Planning Commission-County Commissioner Meeting Minutes

Monday, March 18, 2019: The Codington County Planning Commission reviewed a current draft of changes to regulations upon Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) following the regular business of the Board of Adjustment meeting at 12:00 p.m. at the Codington County Extension Complex, 1910 W. Kemp Avenue, Watertown, SD.

Agenda: March 18, 2019 Meeting Agenda

Ordinance Draft: Chapter 5_21 Update Draft 1

Minutes: March 18, 2019 Meeting Minutes

February 19, 2019: The Codington County Planning Commission held an ordinance review work session following the regular business of the Codington County Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment Meeting scheduled for 12:30 p.m. at the Codington County Extension Complex located at 1910 W. Kemp Avenue in Watertown, SD. 

Discussion included proposed changes to the ordinance or agricultural/residential development policies based upon the January 24, 2019 discussion. 

Agenda: February 19, 2019 Agenda

Minutes: February 19, 2019 Minutes

January 24, 2019: The Codington County Planning Commission held an ordinance review work session at 1:00 p.m. at the Codington County Extension Complex located at 1910 W. Kemp Avenue in Watertown, SD.

Agenda: January 24, 2019 Work Session Agenda

Minutes: January 24, 2019 Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2019 Minutes – Exhibit A

January 24, 2019 Minutes – Exhibit B

January 24, 2019 Minutes – Exhibit C

The purpose of this meeting was to review the results of surveys regarding Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO’s) and residential development in the county, to review other public input received since April 2017; and for the Planning Commission to review and discuss county policies relating to residential development and its relationship to CAFO’s and other agricultural development.

June 7, 2018: The Codington County Commission held a public hearing regarding the proposed amendment to Ordinance #68, Wind Energy Systems (Gabel 522032 Amendment 6-7-18), at the Codington County Court House at 14 1st Avenue Southeast in Watertown. Following public hearing and board discussion, Commissioner Gabel’s amendment proposal failed. The Wind Energy System Ordinance #68 was passed unanimously by the Board of County Commissioners as originally proposed at the May 8, 2018 meeting (without the amendment).

May 8, 2018: The Codington County Commission held a public hearing and second reading of Ordinance #68, Wind Energy Systems (Ord 68 – WES Draft) at the Codington County Court House. During board discussion, after the public hearing was closed, a motion was passed to hold a public hearing on an amendment to proposed Ordinance #68 (Gabel 522032 Amendment 6-7-18).  A public hearing will be held by the County Commission regarding the proposed amendment at 9:30 am on Thursday, June 7 at the Codington County Court House.

April 16, 2018A public hearing was held by the Codington County Planning Commission to recommend approval of Ordinance #68, Wind Energy Systems.  This recommendation passed unanimously.

Meeting Minutes: April 16, 2018 Meeting Minutes

April 10, 2018: A public hearing was held by the Codington County Board of County Commissioners to adopt Ordinance #67, an ordinance amending Article IV Administration (Ordinance 67 – Article IV Admin Amended 03-19-18). This ordinance passed unanimously.

Meeting Minutes: (pending)

March 19, 2018: A public hearing regarding the administrative section (Ordinance 67 – Article IV Admin Amended 03-19-18) of the zoning ordinance was held.

Meeting Minutes: March 19, 2018 Minutes

Ordinance Draft: Ordinance 67 – Article IV Admin Amended 03-19-18

March 12, 2018: Ordinance working session regarding Chapter 5.22 Wind Energy Systems (continued from 2/14/18)

Meeting Minutes: March 12, 2018 Meeting Minutes

February 14, 2018: Ordinance working session regarding Chapter 5.22 Wind Energy Systems

Meeting Minutes: February 14, 2018 Minutes

Presentation: 02-14-18 Codington Wind Survey Presentation

Ordinance Draft: Chapter 522 Proposal 020718 (wind energy)

Public Comments Received: WBauer comment letterDKaaz comment letterDRedlin comment letterJPatterson comment letterJWaldner comment letterBStormo comment postcardJGrotewold comment postcardTDagel comment postcardDZemlicka comment postcardELarson comment postcardDPlunkett comment postcardDFischer comment postcard; DSchmeling comment postcardMZemlicka comment postcardERaml comment postcardTLinderer comment postcardGZemlicka comment postcardBRaml comment postcardTRaml comment postcard; JBeskow comment postcard; LeroyMack comment postcardLeonMack comment postcardDThyen comment postcardMHenricks comment postcardJEvjen comment postcardWLindner comment postcard; PLindahl emailRSteen comment postcardKRaml comment postcardLWaege comment postcard; MKlatt email; PLynch emailBJohnson emailPJohnson email; CAppelhof comment postcardDRies comment postcardVPlunkett comment postcardJGentile email; JGentile – OEHM Wind Turbine Codington Ordinance Feb 12; Town of South Shore letter

January 29, 2018: Review suggested changes to Article IV of the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance #67).

Meeting Minutes: January 29, 2018 Minutes

Ordinance Draft: CodCoZoneOrdArtIV012918

December 18, 2017: Todd Kays, Director of First District of Local Governments, presented a detailed summary of the results of a survey of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operators in Codington County.

Meeting Minutes: December 18, 2017 Minutes (amended 4/16/2018)

Presentation: 2017 CAFO Producer Survey Results

August 28, 2017: Presentation by Ken Woodmansey, South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – Feedlot Permit Program, describing the DENR permitting process and answer questions.

Meeting Minutes: August 28, 2017 Informational Meeting Minutes

 SD DENR presentation: 2017 DENR presentation

June 19, 2017 and July 17, 2017: As part of the normal meeting at each of these meetings, the Planning Commission discussed and reviewed the letter to accompany the survey for the CAFO producers; and the survey to be posted on the county’s website for the entire public. For minutes of these meetings, see the main Zoning Office page.

May 15, 2017: Continue to gather public comment about what rules or topics should be reviewed and/or changed and to explain ideas on how the rule should be changed and discuss survey to be sent to existing producers of all sizes in Codington County.

Meeting Materials: Zoning Ordinance Outline Kick-Off Meeting District Outline

Slides presented: 5-15-17 CodCoOrdUpdate Compatibility Mode

Meeting Minutes: May 15, 2017 Ordinance Review Work Session Minutes

Comment List: (electronic version not yet available)

April 17, 2017: Gather public comment about what rules or topics should be reviewed and/or changed and to explain ideas on how the rule should be changed.

Meeting Materials: Zoning Ordinance Outline Kick-Off Meeting District Outline

Slides presented: 4-17-17 CodCoOrdUpdate

Meeting Minutes: April 17, 2017 Ordinance Review Meeting Minutes

Comment List: 4-17-17 Public Comments